A Non-Profit Organization, orchestrates a festival that bridges borders, uniting filmmakers, actors, and film enthusiasts worldwide to highlight the finest works of cinema from India and all South Asian countries.

Who Are We?
SAIFF Florida has always been more than just a film festival; it’s a platform for showcasing the rich tapestry of South Asian storytelling and fostering cultural exchange. We have consistently strived to curate an exceptional lineup of films that reflect the artistic brilliance and cultural nuances of South Asia. Our festival has not only provided a stage for talented filmmakers but has also served as a bridge between communities, fostering a deeper understanding of South Asian cultures.
Prepare to be captivated by the rich storytelling, visually stunning narratives, and thought-provoking themes that South Asian cinema has to offer. From the glitz and glamour of Bollywood blockbusters to the hidden gems of independent cinema, our carefully curated lineup promises to entertain, inspire, and challenge your perspectives.
Experience the enchantment of South Asian cinema on the grand screen as we present a curated selection of films that illuminate the cultural nuances, address social issues, and exhibit the artistic brilliance of South Asian storytelling. Whether your heart beats for romance, drama, comedy, or thought-provoking documentaries, there’s something here for every film lover.

A team of committed professionals and enthusiasts

Hemant Dinkar
Board Member (Sponsorship/Media)

Anjani Pandey
Board Member (Programming/Technical)

Edward Jayaraj
Board Member (Marketing/Logistics)

Mahesh Modha
Board Member (Marketing)

Sanjeev Kumar
Board Member (Marketing)

Moummar Bhatty
Board Member (Marketing/Logistics)

Parul Rustagi
Board Member (PR/Volunteer/ Hospitality)

Priyanka Verma
Board Member (Festival Coordinator/Hospitality)

Rashmy Nair
Board Member (Public Relations/Social Media)

Neelkamal Chaudhary
Board Member (Operations/Marketing)

Vakul Garg
Board Member (PR/Volunteer/ Hospitality)

Roshni Patel
Board Member (Media head/ Coordinator)

Sangeeta Johri
Board Member (Festival Coordinator / Hospitality)